Monday 7 January 2008

Task 2

Who is Chris De Wolfe and what does he say is the future for social networking? What impact will portable hardware have on this area of technology?
  • Chris De Wolfe syas that the ever changing future of social networking is blurring online and offline worlds, causing them to evolve. Some of the key ideas involved in this evolution idea is advertising, music and politics. These ney claims are almost laying the foundations of a completely new type of social interaction. De Wolfe also states that the global village is becoming more personal and portable. With the use of mobile devices such as phones and laptops, the boundries of social networking are getting further away. The social aspect of networking is constantly becoming more portable and the industry, De Wolfe states is moving in that direction.

Who is Chad Hurley and what does he say is his company's goal? Is he a positive or negative technological determinist?

  • Chad Hurley is the CEO of Youtube, now owned by google, one of the most successful video sharing websites of all time. Youtube's goal is to improove the ease of uploading videos onto the site. They also would want to increase the diversity of the videos, for example; more orientated around: "friends and family, news, music, sports, cooking and more." Chad Hurley is a Positive technological determinist. These believe that the use of new media is a good thind opposed to those who don't, obviously.

What does Maurice Levy say is the challenge for advertisers and what is 'liquid media' compared to 'linear media'?

  • The use of 'digital', will enable advertisers to broaden their horizons and begin to advertise via the internet. The use of this web based advertising will give advertisers a chance to really show off their creativity.
  • Linear media is said to be giving way to liquid media, moving in and out 'seamlessly' in and out of different settings. In context it gives the user ability to fast forwar throung adverts for example, more multi- tasking

What parallels does Norvig draw between Edison inventing electricity and the development of online technology in terms of searching for information?

What are the issues for the developing world? How is this evidence of a 'digital divide'?

  • Due to the poverty of some in Africa, they will not be able to affort these new items of technology. In contrast to this some of the other African entreprenuers are making shedloads of money through telecommunications, creating an almost 'digital divide'.

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